Flavia Palombo's handcrafted belts from Naples to the Coin windows
Il beautiful article published today 5 January 2021, on Il Sole 24 ore , repay our commitment and our passion. We report it here with pride and we also leave you il link to their site.
The snake and the arrow in beaten metal are its hallmark. Recurring figures that characterize the belts and bags of Flavia Palombo, a Neapolitan designer who today exhibits her creations in some Coin corners dedicated to emerging brands, from Padua to Milan in Corso Vercelli, from Treviso to Rome in via Cola di Rienzo. This is how Flavia's creativity takes shape, who had the dream of being a costume designer but at the behest of the family she follows the path of the degree in Conservation of Cultural Heritage. </ P>
It is precisely with the design of bags and belts that you concretely begin an activity where you can give course to your creativity. «In life many different pieces have formed me - says Flavia - and today I can say that I have found my way. I started by turning costume jewelry into bag handles. The imagination then came to me while traveling and attending fairs dedicated to leather goods ».
Her creativity always comes to terms with daily life and Flavia's belts therefore focus on a good fit. "My focus is on practicality - she explains - clothing must respond to characteristics of comfort and practicality, which is why I invented belts with an elastic back, to be worn anywhere, both on a coat and on a cardigan" . The products are therefore designed to be versatile, because there are many types of women.
«The production is entirely entrusted to local artisans in Campania - says Flavia, who lives in Naples -. These are workshops of excellence in the area. I start from materials found and buy right here where there are many tanneries with a remarkable variety of products. Not only. Even the finishes are impeccable thanks to experience. Everything is rigorously done by hand. From cutting to sewing by hand with waxed thread as it once was ».
In Naples Flavia Palombo has her own fixed corner in the heart of via Cavallerizza, but she hopes to have an online showcase soon. "Instagram allows contact with the customer and has been an important showcase," she says. There are also themed collections throughout the year, such as the limited edition snake bags.
by Paola Dezza